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Co-developing sustainable solutions to shared resource dilemmas in Maasai land

By Dr Anna Rabinovich I am excited to join the vibrant and friendly School of Psychology at the University of Sussex as a Reader in Social Psychology and Sustainability. My research ambition is to address the global challenge of cooperation

Posted in Faculty research

Digital Mental Health: the past, present and future

By Dr Faith Matcham At the time of writing this, there were 52,564 healthcare and medical apps available to download on the Google Play store. According to a Deloitte report[1], global spending on mental health apps is likely to reach

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World Refugee Day 2021: Together we heal, learn and shine

By Dr Varuni Wimalasiri The significance of World Refugee Day World refugee day is on the 20th of June every year and is a day designated by the United Nations (UN) to raise awareness about the lives, realities and hopes

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Autistic Pride Day

by Prof Nicola Yuill It sometimes seems there is an awareness day, week or month for every possible cause – June sees Loneliness Awareness, Men’s Health, National Candy Month and Employer Branding Awareness –  so it’s unsurprising that people can

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Who helps the helpers? 8 tips for voluntary groups

Local voluntary mutual aid groups have been critically important for many people during Covid. But keeping the momentum going is difficult even when the need for the kind of help these groups provide is still high. Groups & COVID: Community,

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World Sleep Day 2021: 4 top tips for a good night’s sleep

Today is World Sleep Day, and this year’s focus is ‘Regular Sleep, Healthy Future’. Most of us have experienced the consequences of a bad night’s sleep at some point in our lives. It can make us grumpy and agitated, emotionally

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Posted in Faculty research

Mitigating the new variant SARS-CoV-2 virus: How to support public adherence to physical distancing

By John Drury Journalists often ask me how the public will behave when the next set of Covid-19 restrictions begins. Will they accept the rules or ignore them? This matters crucially right now. With rising infections in many areas of

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Alcohol Addiction Research

By Dr Bryan Singer The Sussex Addiction Research and Intervention Centre (SARIC) is made up of a collection of investigators who are dedicated to understanding the biopsychosocial underpinnings of addiction and developing rational therapies for its treatment. Over the years,

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Reducing patterns of brain hyperactivity in individuals at genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease: an important avenue for early-life risk reduction?

By Dr Claire Lancaster Fifty million people live with dementia worldwide, the most common cause of which is Alzheimer’s – a progressive, neurodegenerative disease. Although the past 12-months have seen Aducanumab expediated for FDA approval – the first new drug

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Alzheimer type dementia

by Prof Jennifer Rusted Age is not synonymous with poor health, but Alzheimer type dementia (AD) is a disease of the brain for which age is the biggest risk factor – the older you are, the greater your risk of

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