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Traumatic Experiences Among Late-diagnosed Autistic Women

By Sophie Longley, MSc Experimental Psychology student I was diagnosed with autism last year, at 28 years old. Strangely, the diagnosis was not a surprise. In fact, it finally provided answers for why I felt so out of place in

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Autistic Pride Day

by Prof Nicola Yuill It sometimes seems there is an awareness day, week or month for every possible cause – June sees Loneliness Awareness, Men’s Health, National Candy Month and Employer Branding Awareness –  so it’s unsurprising that people can

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Posted in Faculty research

Creating a society that works for autistic people: The ACoRNS Health webinar

By Ethan Lam and Prof Nicola Yuill The Autism Community Research Network Sussex was launched last year as a collaboration between Psychology and Education researchers at the University of Sussex and local autism stakeholders involved in education, health and social

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Junior Research Associate in the ChatLab

By Madeleine Weaver This summer I took part in the Junior Research Associates (JRA) scheme in the Children and Technology Lab (Chatlab) with Professor Nicola Yuill. The JRA scheme is an 8 week programme designed for students who are considering post

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Posted in Research, Undergraduate research

Statement for Excellence in Research Degrees

By Dr Zoë Hopkins Trite as it sounds, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I became interested in autism and language. Throughout my undergraduate years (as a student of English Literature, rather than

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Posted in Faculty research, PhD research, Research

My Time on Work Experience in the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex

By Toby Killeen Hi! I am Toby and I’m a 15 year old schoolboy doing work experience in the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex. During the week I have worked all around the School. Here is a

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Why I recommend trying something outside of your comfort zone

By Tamara Albaja   How did I discover my inner passion for working with children? Two words, ‘Social Detectives’. What is Social Detectives? Social Detectives is a structured yet flexible curriculum and teaching process that focuses on social skills development using

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