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Last week we met the Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee. Here’s how it went.

On Wednesday 08 November the Sussex Energy Group held its annual keynote address – always a major event on the University of Sussex Business School’s calendar. This year we were fortunate  enough to have Chris Stark as our keynote speaker. Follow

Posted in All Posts, Electrical Markets, Energy and Society, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, policy, Politics of energy and energy institutions, The energy transition

Sunak is right to call for an honest conversation, but his announcement yesterday was neither honest, nor a conversation

Why Rishi Sunak made yesterday’s announcement about delaying the ban on new petrol and diesel cars and weakening the gas boiler phase out is fairly obvious – an attempt to drive a wedge between the Conservatives and Labour. This strategy is also fairly

Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Politics of energy and energy institutions, The Co-benefits of the energy transition

Uk government plans weaken action towards net Zero

The UK government watered down action to Net Zero in a speech by the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on 20 September 2023.  Follow Sussex Energy Group

Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Energy Governance and Policy, Fuel and transport poverty, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Politics of energy and energy institutions, The Co-benefits of the energy transition

The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act: Will the Dramatic Enactment Translate into Dramatic Results?

By Roman Sidortsov If there is ever a Hollywood film to be made about climate and energy legislation, the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will provide as good of a script as there will ever be. Typically mundane,

Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Energy Governance and Policy, Political economy of energy, Politics of energy and energy institutions

Is there an electoral politics of the allocation of industrial decarbonisation resources?

One of the more challenging aspects of the net zero agenda is how to decarbonise heavy industry. Industries such as metals (including iron and steel), minerals, chemicals, food and drink, paper and pulp, ceramics, glass and oil refineries account for about

Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Political economy of energy, Politics of energy and energy institutions

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