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UK’s energy efficiency policy ‘not fully coherent’ –the difficulties of making complex policy mixes work

A recent commentary piece in Ends report (UK’s energy efficiency plan ‘not fully coherent’, by Paul Hatchwell, 7th May) is critical of DECC’s National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEAP). In the article Hatchwell  refers to an assessment by the EU-wide Coalition

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Building and nurturing a community: the importance of material and emotional dimensions in grassroots innovation

As part of our CIED activities and with support from Ellen van Oost (University of Twente), Johan Soderberg (IFRIS) and Sascha Dickel (Technical University Munich), we recently ran a session for practitioners and academics involved and interested in grassroots digital

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Scrapping the German Renewable Energy Act?

When the German Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI)  released its annual report to the German Chancellor Merkel a couple of weeks ago, two of the 260 pages caught most of the attention of the media. Two pages

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Utilities transforming into energy service providers?

A recent Financial Times (FT) article  ‘Crisis-hit European utilities square up to technological revolution’, argues that the large utilities have underperformed compared to the broader European equity market and, according to the CEO of RWE, are facing ‘the worst structural crisis

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DECC strategy marks an important development for UK community energy

The Community Energy Strategy  marks an important step in the development of community energy in the UK that should not be underestimated. It is the first of its kind ever to be published in the UK and it sets out the

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