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After the 2016 Autumn Statement: The low carbon transition – still blowing in the wind?

The Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter famously described the “winds of creative destruction”: a process of industrial transformation in which product and process innovations revolutionise the existing industrial structure, destroying the old one by creating a new one. But the Chancellor’s

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, renewables

Energy efficiency: the sweet spot for an economic stimulus after Brexit

Brexit has opened a new era in British politics. Economic uncertainties and a potential slowdown in investment are likely to stay with us in the short to medium term. The Chancellor has made clear that he is prepared to ‘reset’

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Posted in CIED, energy efficiency

Equity and justice in the energy system – the case of fuel poverty in the UK

energy justice

We are again getting to the time of the year when the days are getting shorter and the nights colder. Many of us are turning  our heating on, without having to think too much about it. However, many others are

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy

Germany Adopts “Efficiency First” Principle – Let’s Work to Make it a Reality

Jan Rosenow and Andreas Jahn The German government recently published its Green Paper on Energy Efficiency and launched a consultation process inviting comments on the ideas put forward in the green book. RAP’s detailed response provides evidence and examples of

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, energy efficiency

Is Brexit an opportunity to rethink UK carbon pricing?

The UK’s exit from the European Union will make changes to UK carbon pricing unavoidable. Given the complexities and inefficiencies of the current policy mix, could Brexit be viewed as an opportunity for radical policy change in this area? And,

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Posted in All Posts, CIED

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