The Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Lee Stapleton at the Eiffel Tower

On Monday 20th April, the International Energy Agency convened a workshop at its headquarters in Paris to discuss the state-of-the-art in evaluating the multiple benefits of energy efficiency. This workshop was attended by around 50 people – evaluators, policy makers and academics – from over a dozen countries. The Sussex Energy Group was represented by Lee Stapleton.

Energy use avoided in 2010 by IEA countries (due to investments since 1974) exceeded the demand met by any single primary energy source e.g. oil and gas (IEA, 2014). Yet there is untapped efficiency potential because of barriers such as information failures. Beyond reduced energy demand and lower greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency delivers benefits in other areas such as energy security, employment and health and wellbeing. Importantly, these benefits are often overlooked despite their potential for increasing the justification for and adoption of energy efficiency interventions. Thinking in terms of multiple benefits also changes the way we think about the so-called rebound effect. Energy efficiency improvements reduce the effective price of energy services such as heating and cooling. This can result in a rebound, or take-back, whereby more energy services are consumed because they are cheaper. This has tended to be viewed negatively e.g. undermining efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Taking a multiple benefits approach means, for example, acknowledging the potential positives of rebound e.g. reducing fuel poverty and increasing energy security. However there is much work still to be done to get a handle on the nature and extent of rebound in different contexts. Indeed, this is one of the focal points of research currently being undertaken in the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand. Read more ›

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Experiments in Climate Governance – Reflections on a workshop

Photo of Bipashyee Ghosh

In early March 2015, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) hosted the ‘Innovations in Climate Governance’ (INOGOV) workshop. The INOGOV is a Tyndall Centre for Climate change research initiative, which started in 2014, and is a 4 year funded programme by the European Co-operation in Science and Technology (COST). The initiative brought together 24 countries in building a strong network for exploring and sharing knowledge about ‘source, diffusion and effects of policy and governance innovations’ for adapting and mitigating climate change. This particular workshop was themed around “experiments”.

Andy Jordan, the chair of INOGOV and Professor of Environmental Policy in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia, gave an introductory speech to kick start the workshop. He spoke about the importance of state level policies and role of civil societies in transnational climate governance. Embracing this polycentric approach to climate governance, which provides scope for experimentation and mutual learning, greater attention is required to identify leadership, support scaling up and to facilitate better coordination among the transnational actors. Mikael Hilden, professor at SYKE and the director of a working group studying effect, effectiveness and legitimacy of the policy experimentation – acted as the wonderful host, organiser and facilitator for the workshop. Read more ›

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PRASEG – Parliamentary renewable and sustainable energy group

Photo of Colin Nolden smiling

On Tuesday 17 March the Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group, a cross party group for UK politicians and senior industry stakeholders that exists to promote sustainable energy issues in Parliament and the wider political community, met to discuss Energy Efficiency Policy: Putting our house in order in Palace of Westminster. Chaired by Alan Whitehead MP, Dr Nick Eyre, (Senior Research Fellow at Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford), Dr Steven Fawkes (Director, EnergyPro Ltd), Dr Joanne Wade (Director, Association for the Conservation of Energy (ACE)), Simon Roberts (Chief Executive, Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)) and Catrin Maby (Chief Executive, Severn Wye Energy Agency) discussed whether current Government energy efficiency policies are sufficient for achieving energy policy and wider sustainability goals.

To date, the UK has achieved remarkable advances in energy efficiency. Since the oil crisis in the early 1970s, the UK has more than doubled its GDP while overall energy consumption has fallen slightly. This two fold increase in energy efficiency has significantly reduced energy bills compared to what they would be otherwise. Energy efficiency improvements in the UK have also reduced carbon emissions by three times as much as all fuel switching (i.e. dash for gas, renewables, etc) put together. Read more ›

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South Africa’s shale gas potential

Blanche Ting

South Africa is currently undergoing various changes to its energy supply, from introducing renewable energy, a potential nuclear build, two new coal plants, and the possibilities of shale gas exploration.  As the country is a net importer of gas from its neighbouring Mozambique and Namibia, efforts are increasing to secure oil and gas domestically.  Momentum for hydraulic shale gas fracking has been growing since the country was cited to have one of the top ten technically recoverable shale gas resources in the world, with estimates at 390 trillion cubic feet (tcf) (EIA, 2013). The location for potential shale gas is located in a semi-desert region called the Karoo, spanning approximately two-thirds of the country.  A few sites in the Karoo had been drilled before in 1965-1975 with the state-owned company called Soekor. Although gas reserves were detected, the technology for deep exploration was not yet available, and it was only in 2008 when commercial interests had started.  As of 2013, there were five companies that signed a Technical Cooperation Permit (TCP) with the government. These were Royal Dutch Shell (with the biggest land mass), followed by Sasol/Chesapeak/Statoil joint venture, Anglo Coal, Falcon oil and gas, and Sunset Energy of Australia (EIA, 2013). Read more ›

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Jonathon Porritt on Hinkley C: The beginning of the end

Jonathon Porritt posted an important blog post on Monday, about the ongoing troubles at Hinkley C in Somerset.

As Porritt points out, the project still faces vast hurdles including securing a final investment decision from minority partners, obtaining a £10bn loan guarantee from the treasury, and finalising negotiations over a subsidy contract with the UK Gov.

Citing a blog post by Sussex Energy Group’s Phil Johnstone, Porritt refers to the immense efforts that the UK government has gone to in its attempts to make nuclear work in the 21st century. This includes creating one of the best institutional contexts in the world, ‘streamlining’ planning, as well as establishing Contracts for Difference for nuclear power. However, despite these actions to ‘facilitate’ new nuclear, the Hinkley C project may be close to abandonment.

A useful list of some of the reasons to think this is provided, emphasising some of the internal problems of nuclear energy in the 21st century. This includes Chinese investors getting “more leery about the EPR reactor design”, “the French Government [becoming] more and more outspoken about its reluctance to go on bailing out either EdF or Areva”, and “Areva now being in such a bad state (with a €4.8bn loss in 2014)” that it looks as if it “…might have to withdraw as a co-investor in the Hinkley project”. This is before the legal challenges of Austria and a German Energy Cooperative and the potential delays caused by these are considered.

Another important point alluded to in Porritt’s post is the interesting silence of nuclear advocacy in recent times: we do not hear anything about Hinkley from the government anymore for example. Elsewhere, some of the most vociferous advocates of new nuclear such as George Monbiot, Mark Lynas and James Lovelock have also had little to say on the subject. Recently it was reported that former chief scientist David King – who had previously decreed that nuclear was a “scientific necessity” rather than a technological choice – accepted that a low carbon and sustainable future is achievable without nuclear power. All of this certainly adds up to a feeling that when it comes to nuclear power policy, the winds of change may be beginning to blow…

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