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Co-developing sustainable solutions to shared resource dilemmas in Maasai land

By Dr Anna Rabinovich I am excited to join the vibrant and friendly School of Psychology at the University of Sussex as a Reader in Social Psychology and Sustainability. My research ambition is to address the global challenge of cooperation

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Digital Mental Health: the past, present and future

By Dr Faith Matcham At the time of writing this, there were 52,564 healthcare and medical apps available to download on the Google Play store. According to a Deloitte report[1], global spending on mental health apps is likely to reach

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Primary school attendance problems in the context of Covid-19

By Brontë McDonald The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the educational lives of children across the world. In the UK, the government attempted to curb the spread of the virus by closing schools for extended periods to most pupils apart

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Posted in PhD research

Running cognitive tasks online, for free

By Max Lovell Note: This is an abridged version of an article that can be found on my personal webspace – see that version for more details, and updates. Over the pandemic, running cognitive tasks online has become increasingly necessary.

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Posted in PhD research

How Important is Skin Colour to First Generation South Asian Women

By Jamie Chan If we asked ourselves which part(s) of our body we are less happy about, the chances are that our answer would revolve around weight, thinness or muscularity. This is likely because being thin and toned is an

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Posted in PhD research

Working as a Research Fellow in Parliament

Our PhD student Alison Lacey was on a 13-week placement at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). POST offers Research Fellowships to approximately 30 PhD students a year from a range of science disciplines, and Alison’s was funded by the

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Virtual group music-making during lockdowns

By Maruša Levstek When the pandemic hit in late 2019 and the whole world had to practically retract to their homes, everyone was talking about furlough, lockdown, and home-schooling. However, there was barely any thought about the extra-curricular activities that

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Posted in PhD research

World Refugee Day 2021: Together we heal, learn and shine

By Dr Varuni Wimalasiri The significance of World Refugee Day World refugee day is on the 20th of June every year and is a day designated by the United Nations (UN) to raise awareness about the lives, realities and hopes

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Posted in Faculty research

Autistic Pride Day

by Prof Nicola Yuill It sometimes seems there is an awareness day, week or month for every possible cause – June sees Loneliness Awareness, Men’s Health, National Candy Month and Employer Branding Awareness –  so it’s unsurprising that people can

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Who helps the helpers? 8 tips for voluntary groups

Local voluntary mutual aid groups have been critically important for many people during Covid. But keeping the momentum going is difficult even when the need for the kind of help these groups provide is still high. Groups & COVID: Community,

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