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Language, Cognition and Gender

by Prof Alan Garnham This summer we published an E-book with Frontiers Media: Garnham, A., Oakhill, J., von Stockhausen, L., Sczesny, S., eds. (2016). Language, Cognition and Gender. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-892-4 The E-book is a compilation of papers

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A busy week

By Dr Sarah King This is a fun but busy week for the Director of Doctoral Studies (DDS), the job I have recently taken over. I have been meeting all the new PhD students and signing their forms to approve

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By Kate Arnold The VIVA… two syllables that fill any PhD student with a whole cocktail of emotions. This was the recipe for mine: Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon of excitement Juice of 3-5 years of tears A generous dash of imposter

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Feeling like an Academic Celebrity: Talks, workshops, and constant sunshine for a month in Australia

By Yasin Koc There are times I spent seven days a week in my office, working until late hours, trying to meet my self-induced deadlines to write another paper or do some more data analysis. Although I always say I

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It’s not just what you’re saying

By Jordan Raine Have you ever heard of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon? If you haven’t, you’ve definitely experienced it at some time in your life. It’s the term given for when you learn, notice or experience something for the first time,

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Behavioural Genetics for Education

by Darya Gaysina I am a co-editor (with Yulia Kovas and Sergei Malykh) of the book ‘Behavioural Genetics for Education’, which was published by Palgrave Macmillan last month ( This book is dedicated to the role of nature (genetics) and

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My first paper

By Jennifer Mankin This spring, my first paper on synaesthesia and language appears in an upcoming edition of Cognition. While I know that getting a paper published is always a rigorous and difficult process – as indeed it should be

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Horses read human facial expressions of emotion – Sussex Research

By Amy Smith Undeniably, horses have funny faces. Long nose, eyes on the sides of the head, wiggly ears…morphologically they look very different to humans, yet it turns out they are pretty good at looking across the species barrier to

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Drought in California: When climate change affects the USA

By Sarah Becker   As part of one of my PhD research studies I conducted a 10 week interview-based study in California to talk to people about their experience of the ongoing drought and how they thought it related to

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Dan Goodwin: Junior Research Assistant

Before applying for the JRA award I knew that becoming a researcher in Psychology was what I wanted to do, but deciding what I wanted to study seemed almost impossible given the sheer number of options available. When I saw

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