As part of the Collaboration Week between the SAGE and Hive Scholars, we did a special podcast in which we interviewed two postgraduate students: Eve, who studies a Masters in Environmental Law, and Hive Scholar Veronica, who studies a PhD on Honeybees. We asked them our questions about postgraduate study, which include:
0:19: How long is a Masters and how long is a PhD?
0:44: Could you tell us about your day-to-day life and what it involves?
2:10: How does your degree compare to undergrad study?
3:31: What are your top tips for transitioning to postgraduate study?
4:45: What’s your favourite thing about postgraduate study?
6:19: What’s your least favourite thing about postgraduate study?
7:15: Overall, would you recommend postgraduate study?
8:16: Is it okay to take time out between doing an undergraduate and postgraduate degree?
10:06: What is it like working with a supervisor?
11:02: What’s the most difficult thing to be prepared for in a postgraduate degree?
Common themes throughout their answers were that postgraduate study includes more self-motivation and specificity. Their top tips were to determine how interested you are in your subject before doing postgraduate study and to establish a daily routine. Overall, both postgraduate students recommended postgraduate study, provided you have genuine interest in the subject and confidence in your ability to motivate yourself.
With thanks to George Robinson for recording and editing the podcast.
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