Survey Results: Post Arrival Reading

In the second of our three survey results posts, we look at post-arrival reading. Out of 115 respondents to the survey, 56% of students did purchase further books after attending lectures. The reason behind this decision to purchase books later rather than earlier was mostly reported to be due to having a better understanding of … Continue reading Survey Results: Post Arrival Reading

Essay Quest: How to find the best sources

Within Global Studies, having essential readings as an online resource is a godsend! With so many different readings from different journals and authors, buying books would very quickly result in shedding out hundreds of pounds for a one time read. However when that oh so great (really not great) time comes when you have to … Continue reading Essay Quest: How to find the best sources

Canada: the country that forced Eva to buy a book

In Canada I had many new experiences; maple syrup became a staple in my diet (turns out it's great in curries), I felt what it’s like to walk around in -40’C, I witnessed politeness so extreme it made me uncomfortable, and, for the first time, I felt how it feels to buy a book for … Continue reading Canada: the country that forced Eva to buy a book