PhD project on Policy Mixes for Energy Demand and Innovation

The Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) are taking on a new PhD student this year for September 2015 entry:  Policy Mixes for Energy Demand and Innovation

 Potential supervisors are Florian Kern and Karoline Rogge.

 The PhD is funded by Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) which investigates the emergence and diffusion of low energy innovations throughout the economy and the implications of these innovations for energy demand and carbon reductions. More precisely, the PhD is associated to its cross-cutting project on policy mixes. It is part of theSussex Energy Group at SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex. The PhD candidate will benefit from the stimulating research environment at SPRU and from being part of a wider programme of policy-relevant, engaged work within CIED. 

How to apply

Please visit our Online postgraduate application system where you will find further information on the application procedure and can submit an application for postgraduate PhD study.bright illustration of transport, electics, buildings, a bike and the natural environment

ESRC studentship – Deadline for application January 30th
Please note: This is available to UK/EU applicants only.

Details of how to apply for an ESRC studentship for September 2015 entry can be found through this link. Please see guidance notes on how to apply.

For all enquiries about our research degrees please contact Janet Snow:

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