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Nuclear vs renewable energy and the critical importance of independent research

This is an adapted version of a blog by Prof Benjamin K. Sovacool and Prof Andy Stirling, to accompany the publication of their paper “Differences in carbon emissions reduction between countries pursuing renewable electricity versus nuclear power” in Nature

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Posted in All Posts, Energy infrastructure, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, nuclear, renewables, The energy transition

PhD project on Policy Mixes for Energy Demand and Innovation

The Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) are taking on a new PhD student this year for September 2015 entry:  Policy Mixes for Energy Demand and Innovation  Potential supervisors are Florian Kern and Karoline Rogge.  The PhD is funded by Centre

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Electricity for all? New research assesses the successes and failures of community-based micro grids

In this post Lorenz Gollwitzer, Research Student at SPRU, discusses with us his recently published paper that introduces a new methodological and theoretical foundation for studying the reasons for successes and failures of community-based micro grids. I am standing in Olosho-Oibor, a

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The new Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa ignores key elements of innovation research

In his recent blog post David Ockwell, Deputy Director of the STEPS Centre, shared his concerns that the new Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 does not consider concerns raised by years of innovation research that were recently

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What it’s really like to do a PhD!

A photograph of Mari Martiskainen smiling

Embarking on a PhD is similar to that of having a baby. Everyone tells you that it’s going to change your life. There will be sleepless nights, moments of despair as well as those of joy, happiness and discovery. The

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