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Reflections on the IST2015 conference at SPRU

Steps towards an engaged and reflexive community: looking back at PhD-led activities at the International Sustainability Transitions conference By Jonas Torrens & Gijs Diercks During the last week SPRU hosted the 6th International Sustainability Transitions conference with a program packed with

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How to not just survive, but to enjoy your PhD Viva

A photograph of Mari Martiskainen smiling

A few months ago I wrote a post about What it is like to do a PhD.   I was then nearing towards submitting my PhD thesis for examination and starting to think about the final examination, a PhD Viva.

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PhD project on Policy Mixes for Energy Demand and Innovation

The Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) are taking on a new PhD student this year for September 2015 entry:  Policy Mixes for Energy Demand and Innovation  Potential supervisors are Florian Kern and Karoline Rogge.  The PhD is funded by Centre

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What it’s really like to do a PhD!

A photograph of Mari Martiskainen smiling

Embarking on a PhD is similar to that of having a baby. Everyone tells you that it’s going to change your life. There will be sleepless nights, moments of despair as well as those of joy, happiness and discovery. The

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