Blog Archives

Making Sussex a Net Zero region: local council and stakeholder workshop

Recently, over 40 Officers and Members from Local Councils in the Greater Brighton area and other relevant stakeholders came together with University of Sussex energy policy and analysis experts. During a half-day workshop, they discussed challenges and opportunities relating to

Posted in All Posts, Conferences and events, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy efficiency and energy security

Astonishing Energy Futures

“Markets make a good servant but a bad master, and a worse religion.” – Amory Lovins Guest blog by Susan Sun I didn’t think my philosophy of life had a motto until I heard those words by Amory Lovins, the

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Smart meter rollout in the UK: towards a low carbon future?

Nora Blascsok reports back from the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) event on ‘The smart meter rollout: progress and challenges ahead‘. On 19 November consumer rights group Which? published a report warning energy suppliers that they need to

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D-Day for UK Energy Policy: Is there a plan?

by Claire Copeland and Donal Brown The British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) held a one day conference on 21 September at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) somewhat cheekily titled: “Is There a Plan? UK Energy

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Energy for Society: First International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science

What do folklore, yak cheese, Chinese dams and the Dakota pipeline all have in common? Energy and social science. The First International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science, held on 2-5 April in Sitges, Spain, aimed “to spotlight what

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Conferences and events

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