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A new study will explore public perceptions of “fracking” just as exploration resumes in Lancashire


This article was originally published in the December 2018 issue of Energy World magazine, published by the Energy Institute, There could not be more timely circumstances for the launch of a new interdisciplinary research programme into hydraulic fracturing (commonly termed

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What now for energy efficiency policy in UK homes?

Blog by Dr Charlie Wilson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research) UK homes account for just under a quarter of national greenhouse gas emissions. Improving their efficiency not only reduces emissions, but also improves health and wellbeing, and creates jobs.

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Guest Blog

Energy bills, consumer power and beyond

Reflections on the 7th Big Energy Saving Week by Nora Blascsok Events across the country are taking place this week to create public awareness around saving money on energy bills. The Big Energy Saving Week is an initiative run by

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Posted in CIED, energy efficiency

D-Day for UK Energy Policy: Is there a plan?

by Claire Copeland and Donal Brown The British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) held a one day conference on 21 September at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) somewhat cheekily titled: “Is There a Plan? UK Energy

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