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Parents, preeners, pets and pipes: what motivates heating decisions?

Home heating is essential through any blustery British winter, especially as Covid-19 restrictions confine us to our own living spaces and deepen our appreciation of home comforts. Accounting for 37% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, the heating sector also

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Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Energy demand and behaviour

Smart meter rollout in the UK: towards a low carbon future?

Nora Blascsok reports back from the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) event on ‘The smart meter rollout: progress and challenges ahead‘. On 19 November consumer rights group Which? published a report warning energy suppliers that they need to

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Posted in Conferences and events

Privilege, techno-optimism and changing the world

Some thoughts by Noam Bergman on EASST 2018 The EASST conference is the European biannual conference on science and technology studies (STS) – the study of how society, politics, and culture affect scientific research and technological innovation, and how these,

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Posted in CIED

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