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Long Run Trends in ICT Demand and its Impact on Energy Consumption

Phone screen being held in one hand

This article was written by Dr Roger Fouquet, Associate Professorial Research Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, on his CREDS Digital Society project. Understanding ICT Long Run Trends Social distancing rules associated with Covid-19

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation

Letter: New nuclear plants would be hopelessly problematic

Nuclear cooling towers at sunset

This letter was originally published in The Financial Times on 21/06/2021. By failing to consider alternatives in a balanced way, Admiral Lord West of Spithead (“Investment in UK nuclear power is long overdue”, Letters, June 18), treats UK energy policy

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Posted in All Posts, nuclear

Heat pump users in Finland and the UK: How low-emission technologies can grow from enthusiast projects to a mainstream industry

Technician installing heating system

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently reported that gas boiler sales should stop by 2025 to meet emission reduction goals. Heat pumps, which operate by extracting warmth from the ground, air or water, are often regarded as one of the

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Posted in All Posts, Energy infrastructure, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation, Energy systems and supply technology

Make Renovation in Housing a Green Deal Priority (Repost)

Wooden Toy Houses and trees and chart

This is the first blog in the Green New Deal Blog Series, first published on the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium website, discussing the TIP perspective on the green new deals that are happening worldwide.  The editors of this blog series are Fred

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Retrofitting buildings, The Co-benefits of the energy transition, The devolution of energy governance

Parents, preeners, pets and pipes: what motivates heating decisions?

Home heating is essential through any blustery British winter, especially as Covid-19 restrictions confine us to our own living spaces and deepen our appreciation of home comforts. Accounting for 37% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, the heating sector also

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Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Energy demand and behaviour

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