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Do teleworkers travel less? The challenge of tele-sprawl

The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered far-reaching changes in working practices, with a large fraction of the UK population now working from home for several days a week. Despite the removal of lockdown restrictions, UK travel patterns have been slow to

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Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Energy demand and behaviour

Place-based business models for Net Zero in Sussex. How do we make these happen and work for Sussex?

Achieving Net Zero has become a hot topic across many regions, cities and businesses in the UK. A focal point of discussion during COP 26, Net Zero is rapidly turning into a powerful imaginary of technologies, innovative solutions and possible

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation, Energy systems and supply technology

Long Run Trends in ICT Demand and its Impact on Energy Consumption

Phone screen being held in one hand

This article was written by Dr Roger Fouquet, Associate Professorial Research Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, on his CREDS Digital Society project. Understanding ICT Long Run Trends Social distancing rules associated with Covid-19

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation

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