Blog Archives

As the temperature drops… Energy advice for energy poverty alleviation

Blog by Louise Sunderland. As the weather turned really cold for the first time last month the UK government published its latest piece of research into fuel poverty (energy poverty) – a report on the behaviours and attitudes of the

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Posted in CIED, Guest Blog

Energy for Society: First International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science

What do folklore, yak cheese, Chinese dams and the Dakota pipeline all have in common? Energy and social science. The First International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science, held on 2-5 April in Sitges, Spain, aimed “to spotlight what

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Conferences and events

Equity and justice in the energy system – the case of fuel poverty in the UK

energy justice

We are again getting to the time of the year when the days are getting shorter and the nights colder. Many of us are turning  our heating on, without having to think too much about it. However, many others are

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy

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