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Paris warms up for climate event of the decade – Our Common Future under Climate Change

People on stage at the Our Common Future Under Climate Change conference

Last week, more than 2000 climate change researchers gathered in Paris for the ‘Our Common Future under Climate Change’ conference, an enormous and prestigious event as part of the preparations for the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris later this year.

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, policy, renewables

A peek into Bristol’s vibrant community energy scene

Last week I visited Bristol to attend the event ‘Our energy future: the road not (yet) taken’. This was part of the city’s annual Big Green Week, an ‘international festival of better living and great ideas’, which incidentally, is now

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Posted in All Posts, Community Energy, Housing

‘Sustainable Brighton’: Impressions on a day well spent with local stakeholders

Photo of Bipashyee Ghosh

How sustainable is the city of Brighton? What are the different sustainability initiatives that can be undertaken at a local level? How do these local initiatives network and collaborate with each other? What are the barriers and opportunities in such

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Posted in All Posts, Sussex and local

The time is right to end fossil fuel subsidies

When the price of the world’s most widely-traded commodity halves within a 6-month period, it has a tendency to draw attention from governments, industry and the media alike.  North Sea oil has recently been selling at around $45 per barrel,

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The future of energy and ICT sectors in Ecuador: perspectives from a developing country

Sustainability issues have gained importance in the agenda of governments and organisations, including the developing world. This was the core idea that motivated my investigation: “Governance interdependencies in the shift towards sustainability: the case of the electricity and telecommunications sectors

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