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Optimism and doom in achieving net zero

Anthropogenic activities have now emitted greenhouse gases to such an extent, that this has now contributed to an increase in average global temperatures of 1.1°C and rising at 0.2-0.25°C per decade.

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Climate emergency: the power of words

The University of Sussex’s recent declaration of a climate emergency will be welcomed by many. But what emergency action is the University taking to back up its declaration? Climate emergency First, the term emergency. We all know what it means.

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Let’s talk about climate emergency

Sofia Kesidou shares her thoughts the University of Sussex’s declaration of climate emergency and asks what next For someone like me, a sustainability advocate, an environmental practitioner and a doctoral researcher at the Sussex Energy Group (SEG), the fact that

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Fracking democracy, criminalising dissent

This blog was originally published on The Ecologist. Written by Andrea Block, Dr Amber Huff, Dr Judith Verweijen, Professor Jan Selby, Professor David Ockwell, and Professor Peter Newell. The anti-fracking victory yesterday should not distract from disturbing trends in the

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Posted in Fossil fuels

Storm Imogen reminds us that there are winners and losers with climate change

AFTER Storm Imogen, is it not time more people faced up to the reality that man-made climate change is causing huge changes to weather patterns which are affecting us? One storm does not equal climate change, neither does one hot

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Fossil fuels, renewables

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