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Fuel poverty research presented to Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

energy justice

2.35 million households in England living in poor quality, energy inefficient housing have to decide each winter whether to ‘eat or heat’. They live in cold homes because they can’t afford to pay their fuel bills and then suffer from

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Energy Efficiency: Time to get out of reverse gear

by Jan Rosenow & Richard Cowart In recent years across the UK, citizens, government, and the business community have all demonstrated a willingness to lead the world in the fight against climate change.  So the mystery today is – why

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, energy efficiency

What would Brexit mean for UK energy efficiency policy?

Only 10 weeks and UK voters will make the most profound decision of this decade – will Britain stay or leave the European Union? There have been numerous analyses of what the implications of a so-called Brexit might be. Those

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, energy efficiency, News, policy

Budget 2016: Stakeholders await crucial policy clarity

“What do we want? Clarity over the Levy Control Framework! When do we want it? In the Budget would have been nice…” On Wednesday, the Chancellor unveiled his 2016 Budget. Reports have unsurprisingly focused on the sugar tax (which some

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Should Fracking Decisions be made locally?

Shale gas exploration in the UK has been in the headlines, but little activity has taken place so far. Whether unconventional gas should be part of the UK energy mix is not only the question of economic viability but also

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