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Back to the DTI? – The merger of DECC and BIS is a new opportunity to integrate energy and industrial policies

As part of the new Prime Minister’s extensive reshuffle late last week, it was announced that the Departments of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) are to merge to form a new Department of Business,

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Should Fracking Decisions be made locally?

Shale gas exploration in the UK has been in the headlines, but little activity has taken place so far. Whether unconventional gas should be part of the UK energy mix is not only the question of economic viability but also

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Has the Spending Review delivered a coherent approach to energy innovation? – Jim Watson writes for UKERC

In his new blog for UKERC, Jim Watson reacts to the energy policy implications of the UK Government Spending Review. One of the prominent themes of the review is the need for innovation in energy technologies and systems, which has

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Budget 2014: short-term gains for business, bad news for the environment

By Jim Watson, Research Director, UK Energy Research Centre and  Professor of Energy Policy, Sussex Energy Group in SPRU, University of Sussex This post originally appeared on  The Conversation The big energy policy headline in the budget was well trailed. As expected, the

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