Making Sussex a Net Zero region: local council and stakeholder workshop

Prof Mari Martiskainen presents the Energy Demand Research Centre to workshop attendees. Photo by Stuart Robinson, University of Sussex

Recently, over 40 Officers and Members from Local Councils in the Greater Brighton area and other relevant stakeholders came together with University of Sussex energy policy and analysis experts. During a half-day workshop, they discussed challenges and opportunities relating to a regional strategic approach to energy supply and demand investment for Net Zero.

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Posted in All Posts, Conferences and events, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy efficiency and energy security

Sussex Energy Group’s response to the Governments call for evidence on reforming electricity markets

By Dr Malte Jansen, Prof Steve Sorrell and Siobhán Stack-Maddox

To meet the UK’s net zero goals, the electricity system must decarbonise by 2035 while accommodating a 50% increase in electricity demand. Shifting towards intermittent wind and solar generation – while at the same time avoiding supply interruptions and minimising costs to consumers – represents an unprecedented challenge. This transition will require far-reaching changes in the design and operation of electricity markets, alongside substantial support for emerging low-carbon technologies. The ongoing Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) provides a cornerstone of the UK Government’s response to these challenges.

Earlier this month, the Sussex Energy Group gave some input into these plans by responding to a call for evidence – input that we hope the UK Government takes into account. Here’s a summary of what we said. 

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Our social relations shape our decision-making in surprising ways. Here’s what that means for home retrofit policy.

Sussex Energy Group members Donal Brown, Giulia Mininni and Marie Claire Brisbois, are among the co-authors of a fascinating a new paper out in Energy Research and Social Science

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Posted in All Posts, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy efficiency and energy security, Retrofitting buildings, The social relations of energy

Which net-zero policies do people want? Launching the Local Green New Deals report

Reducing the amount of energy we use will be key to cutting emissions and reaching net zero, but energy demand reduction measures also have a range of co-benefits which can help to improve citizens’ wellbeing, such as improved health outcomes and local job creation.

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Local Energy, The energy transition

Last week we met the Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee. Here’s how it went.

On Wednesday 08 November the Sussex Energy Group held its annual keynote address – always a major event on the University of Sussex Business School’s calendar. This year we were fortunate  enough to have Chris Stark as our keynote speaker.

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Posted in All Posts, Electrical Markets, Energy and Society, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, policy, Politics of energy and energy institutions, The energy transition

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