Blog Archives

Out of the box – a look at our exciting new digital collection on JSTOR

By Rose Lock – Special Collections Supervisor Although there is a great joy and value in holding an original archival document in your hands, for many reasons this is not always possible. At Special Collections we are constantly seeking new

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Posted in Special Collections, The Keep

Chloe Dobson: my favourite online collections

By Chloe Dobson – Collection Development Librarian Part of our role in Collection Development is to find online resources which support the teaching of the University. I am going to be highlighting two of my favourites in this week’s blog

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Posted in Collection Development, Special Collections, The Keep

Silk, society and scandal: the archive of Jeremy Hutchinson QC

By Richard Wragg – University of Sussex Library Collections Manager We are pleased to announce that the archive of Jeremy Hutchinson, Baron Hutchinson of Lullington QC (1915 – 2017), was allocated to the University of Sussex earlier this year through

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Posted in Special Collections, The Keep

‘Like a child in a candy store’ Gerardo Serra delves into the BLDS Legacy Collection

Before the spleen of writing, editing (and re-writing and re-editing) sets in, there is a fleeting moment in which the historian is like a child in a candy store, starry-eyed and gleefully lost. I experienced such a moment when, in

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Posted in BLDS (British Library for Development Studies), IDS