Blog Archives

“I am not Interested in the Coronation”: Similarities and Dissimilarities in Mass Observation’s 12th May Diaries from 1937 and 2023.

A scan of a colour photograph of a long picnic table. It is covered in a white table cloth and red, white and blue decorations. It is covered in food, forming part of a street party.

Reposted from the Mass Observation website By Emily Calcraft Introduction On 12th May 1937 a Day Survey Respondent from Oldham stated: ‘I am not interested in the Coronation and regard all the fuss as artificial and irrational’. In May 2023,

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Posted in Collections, MO (Mass Observation), The Keep

Speed Conservation

A closed book resting on it's side. The cover is brown leather and the title 'The life of Olaudah Equiano' is visible. The book is damaged.

Rosey Pool and the case of the damaged Equiano; or a book made safe and a treasure revealed.

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Posted in Collections

The Jeremy Hutchinson QC archive: Britain’s foremost criminal barrister

A pile of photos showing Jeremy Hutchinson. All are in black and white. Some show family photos. The largest three are pos ed portraits showing Hutchinson wearing a Naval uniform, a suit and tie, and the wig and bands of a QC.

By Alexander Taylor Hello, it’s Alexander with the second in a series of three blog posts on the Jeremy Hutchinson QC archive. This one will highlight Jeremy’s illustrious career at the Bar as one of Britain’s most formidable advocates. The

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Posted in The Library

The Papers of St John and Mary Hutchinson from The Jeremy Hutchinson QC Archive

Two books in a box surrounded by tissue paper. One is labeled 'SxMs207/1/1/2/2 St John Hutchinson 1917-1923 Diary'

My name is Alexander Taylor, and I am the Project Archivist working on cataloguing, preserving, and making available the Jeremy Hutchinson QC archive. The collection comprises records from Jeremy and his family’s personal and professional lives. This article will comprise the first in a series of 3 blog posts examining the collection in its entirety, with the first focusing on the uncatalogued personal papers of Jeremy’s parents, St John Hutchinson, a prominent defence barrister, and Mary Hutchinson (née Barnes), a short-story writer and model.

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Posted in Special Collections

100 years of Radio Times: Celebrating a century of Christmas covers

December 1923, issue number 13 of the Radio Times with a colour illustration of a smartly dressed family sitting by the fire listening to Love's Old Sweet Song/Just a Song at Twilight on the wireless.

By Lindsay Crook There aren’t many magazine publications that can claim they are 100 years old, but the Radio Times achieved this incredible milestone in 2023.  The Keep holds an extensive collection of the periodical – the world’s first ever

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Posted in The Library

Out of the box – a look at our exciting new digital collection on JSTOR

By Rose Lock – Special Collections Supervisor Although there is a great joy and value in holding an original archival document in your hands, for many reasons this is not always possible. At Special Collections we are constantly seeking new

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Posted in Special Collections, The Keep

Silk, society and scandal: the archive of Jeremy Hutchinson QC

By Richard Wragg – University of Sussex Library Collections Manager We are pleased to announce that the archive of Jeremy Hutchinson, Baron Hutchinson of Lullington QC (1915 – 2017), was allocated to the University of Sussex earlier this year through

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Posted in Special Collections, The Keep

‘Like a child in a candy store’ Gerardo Serra delves into the BLDS Legacy Collection

Before the spleen of writing, editing (and re-writing and re-editing) sets in, there is a fleeting moment in which the historian is like a child in a candy store, starry-eyed and gleefully lost. I experienced such a moment when, in

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Posted in BLDS (British Library for Development Studies), IDS