Having just celebrated my final exam, now is a great time to look back over my fourth year which has shot past. It only seems like it was the other day that I was having to get back into academic life following my placement. As Sussex business students are able to choose whether to undertake … Continue reading My Five Greatest Coursework Hurdles
Writing the Perfect Paper
Over the course of my time at Sussex, I have had the opportunity to write papers on a vast array of topics. For this blog I will discuss some of the particularities of written assessments on a business course, the differing requirements, and finally some tips that I have learnt over the years. The multidisciplinary … Continue reading Writing the Perfect Paper
Resources for my empirical project (Psychology dissertation)
In the last term of my last year I (fortunately) don't have any exams. I have two tests, two essays, a presentation, and my dissertation. Both my essays and my dissertation are due on the 12th of May, which means I really should stay on top of my schedule. The plan is to write the … Continue reading Resources for my empirical project (Psychology dissertation)
New Term Resolutions
Having just finished my January exams, now is the time to reflect on my past modules and prepare for my final term. Like many students on the business courses, I don't have a dissertation. Instead, my final term will follow the same format as the autumn one, with four modules, one of which is a … Continue reading New Term Resolutions
Companion websites for textbooks
Something students always find useful are materials within a book they can use to test themselves. This is usually the case in science textbooks (maths, physics etc.), but not so often in my course. I remember having multiple choice questions and short answers questions in my book for Human Physiology in my first year and in Andy Field's Discovering … Continue reading Companion websites for textbooks
Have I improved my research?
Looking back over the second year and comparing it to my first year I have to say that I have noticed my research has changed. I went through the first essay I submitted in my first year recently and I was amazed. I still don’t understand what made me use non-peer-reviewed resources. I cited a … Continue reading Have I improved my research?
A video about video…
Click on the YouTube video below to play a short video blog from Lucy, Lenart and Eva explaining how they use video in their studies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vRxWV1zsR4
An inside look into Study Direct
... aaand my exams are back! I have extraordinary plans for my summer, but I still need to pass 4 exams before my summer can officially begin. I have to say that my exam timetable looks better this term as I don't have four-in-a-row like last time. As interesting as I find my course and … Continue reading An inside look into Study Direct
Evaluating resources and using social media for studying
I would only spend money on university resources if I found it completely necessary, if there was no other option or if i thought that a certain book would have an enormous value in my course. At this point I must say, as I have also said in St. Alban's at the SAGE Booksellers' conference, … Continue reading Evaluating resources and using social media for studying
5 things I wish I’d known for my first essay
Apart from sorting out my Student finance and other important documents I didn't spend much time preparing for my second year. The reason for this is probably that I just couldn't find the time to do it on one hand and on the other there wasn't a specific list of books, which we would use … Continue reading 5 things I wish I’d known for my first essay