Focus Group: learning resources

Shortly after the Easter break we decided to find out what influenced students when buying and using resources. Our results showed similar patterns to previous surveys we had sent out, as well as highlighting new ideas and issues we hadn’t come across. We broke down the focus group into four sections; text buying, learning features, … Continue reading Focus Group: learning resources

Top ten tips for preparing for an assessment

No matter what year of university you are in, you will definitely have a variety of different types of assessments throughout the year. Here are ten brilliant tips to help with time management, motivation and getting that initial kick-start. 1. Start early! Whatever type of assessment you have looming it is always a good idea … Continue reading Top ten tips for preparing for an assessment

5 Simple Steps To Completing Your Essay Assignment

Completing assignments tend to follow the same sequence of events every time round, where you have loads of time, have loads of time then, gasp! The deadline is in a week and you're aiming for a first (because why would you aim any lower)! Now in my opinion the best and only way to succeed … Continue reading 5 Simple Steps To Completing Your Essay Assignment

Survey Results: No Pre-Arrival Reading Received

Following on from the previous two posts relating to our pre-arrival reading research, our final post looks at the results of people who did not receive pre-arrival reading and how they went about preparing for starting university despite this.  Out of the 115 responses from the questionnaire, a staggering 63.5% did not receive a reading … Continue reading Survey Results: No Pre-Arrival Reading Received

Survey Results: Post Arrival Reading

In the second of our three survey results posts, we look at post-arrival reading. Out of 115 respondents to the survey, 56% of students did purchase further books after attending lectures. The reason behind this decision to purchase books later rather than earlier was mostly reported to be due to having a better understanding of … Continue reading Survey Results: Post Arrival Reading

Survey Results : Pre-Arrival Reading Recieved

Following in tradition from the previous sage scholars, in early December 2016 we formulated a survey for undergraduate students in order to find out about their pre-arrival preparation for university, particularly in their reading allocations. Having received 115 responses in total, the largest proportion of students came from Geography students at 19%, followed by Psychology … Continue reading Survey Results : Pre-Arrival Reading Recieved