I’ve worked a lot harder this year than I did last year, partly because this year’s grades count and partly because a lot more is expected of me. With my improved work ethic I have found that I have used the library and resources far more frequently. The main differences I’ve noticed include: Now that … Continue reading 5 ways in which my researching techniques have changed
Have I improved my research?
Looking back over the second year and comparing it to my first year I have to say that I have noticed my research has changed. I went through the first essay I submitted in my first year recently and I was amazed. I still don’t understand what made me use non-peer-reviewed resources. I cited a … Continue reading Have I improved my research?
Changes in study habits
Since first year my study habits have changed in terms of location, organisation and how I use resources. As I live off campus I rarely go to the university library apart from studying between lectures or to pick up a book that is not accessible online. I studied for my three exams this year at … Continue reading Changes in study habits
A video about video…
Click on the YouTube video below to play a short video blog from Lucy, Lenart and Eva explaining how they use video in their studies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vRxWV1zsR4
Using the VLE
With two exams looming next week and one the following week I am trying every possible tactic to push facts and quotes into my brain. My exams are essay based and require me to write 2-3 essays in the space of 2 hours including in-text references. For this reason I have been scanning each of … Continue reading Using the VLE
Survey Results
We conducted an online survey to find out which resources students use and how they use them. 1. Even though this was the survey with the least respondents, we did manage to get students from courses we wanted. Many of the participants studied Psychology (34%), followed by Geography (10%) and Law (10%). Other courses and corresponding … Continue reading Survey Results
Time to Revise
Come along to our relaxed revision session next Tuesday. Free tea, coffee and biscuits provided!
An inside look into Study Direct
... aaand my exams are back! I have extraordinary plans for my summer, but I still need to pass 4 exams before my summer can officially begin. I have to say that my exam timetable looks better this term as I don't have four-in-a-row like last time. As interesting as I find my course and … Continue reading An inside look into Study Direct
Focus Groups
Following the success of last year’s focus group, we decided to hold another one to see how behaviour has changed within students. Enticed by free cake and sandwiches, we held informal discussions with one large group of 13 students and one small group of 4, both lasted about 45 minutes. The group conversation format stimulated … Continue reading Focus Groups