Yearly Archives: 2024

Imperial Mismeasurement

Kemi Badenoch, The Institute of Economic Affairs and the Distortion of Colonial History[1] Alan Lester De Beers African Migrant Labour Compound, c.1886 The IEA (Institute for Economic Affairs) was last in the news when its advice informed Liz Truss’ and

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Winston Churchill in the Culture War: Defending an Icon

Alan Lester University of Sussex and La Trobe University Winston Churchill is an iconic figure. For many, he stands for the idealised qualities of the British nation: a bulldog spirit leavened with a sense of fair play and deep attachment

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When the Raj Came to Brighton

In the early stages of World War I, the Raj came to the south coast of England in the form of over 4,000 wounded Indian soldiers. They convalesced in a number of specially constructed hospitals, including in the Brighton Pavilion.

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