Project update: Modern Energy Cooking Services

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In two new working papers, a team led by the University of Sussex report first year findings from their Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) research project mapping Kenya and Tanzania’s e-cooking socio-technical innovation systems.

These ‘maps’ consist of visualisations of the actor-networks and actor-relations in the system along with elaborations on who the actors are, the extent and nature of their interactions, sketches of significant projects, and includes a discussion of emerging issues relevant to the further development of the innovation systems in the two countries. It also includes some summary attention to the systems’ context and enabling environments.

Based on this characterisation, they conduct a socio-technical innovation system analysis to determine strengths and weaknesses and derive several recommendations that the MECS Programme could implement to further its aims more effectively.

MECS is a £40 million UK Aid funded multi-partner programme of activities, led by Loughborough University, to promote modern energy cooking services in the Global South.

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