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We Need a Lorry-Load of Energy Savings; in the new ECO, the Government Delivers a Hatchback

by Jan Rosenow and Richard Cowart The United Kingdom was once a world leader in energy savings. We proved that investing in buildings, insulating lofts, and switching to efficient boilers, motors, and lighting created jobs, saved money, and lowered the

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, energy efficiency

Exergy Economics Workshop 2016

Over 40 economists, engineers and social scientists converged last week on the sunny University of Sussex campus for the second International Exergy Economics Workshop. Organised by the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) and the Centre on Industrial Energy,

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Posted in CIED, Conferences and events

Makerspaces: Creating inclusive spaces for sustainable innovations

Making stuff is all the rage these days. But how does sustainable development fit into this enthusiasm? The White House is celebrating a Week of Making from June 16-23 2016 after hosting its first Maker Faire in 2014 to spark

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy, renewables

Customer power: are you the kind of energy user who makes a difference?

In the story of how energy is made and used to keep a country functioning, you don’t get a starring role. You are the passive receiver and consumer of electricity or gas in a tale dominated by governments, corporations and

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, renewables, the conversation

Fuel poverty research presented to Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

energy justice

2.35 million households in England living in poor quality, energy inefficient housing have to decide each winter whether to ‘eat or heat’. They live in cold homes because they can’t afford to pay their fuel bills and then suffer from

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, energy efficiency

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