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Canada needs an energy poverty strategy. Here’s what it might look like.

With COP27 now underway in Egypt,  the question of how to deliver a just transition is very much on the agenda.  Greening a country’s economy in a way that’s fair and inclusive is a complex issue, with challenges that vary from

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Posted in All Posts, Energy efficiency and energy security, Energy Governance and Policy

It’s time to Save it for your Monergy! (and for the planet too)

By Dr Mari Martiskainen The Energy Security Strategy misses an opportunity for deep energy demand reduction The UK announced its long-awaited Energy Security Strategy today. As expected, it outlines  major energy supply related options: more nuclear power, more fracking exploration,

Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy efficiency and energy security, Energy Governance and Policy, Fuel and transport poverty

10 Recommendations for Direct Air Carbon Deployment Policy in Europe

These ten recommendations were submitted as Supplemental Testimony to the Technological Innovations and Climate Change: Negative Emissions Technologies Inquiry held by the UK Parliament’s Environment Audit Committee in January 2022. Follow the Bellona Principles Principle 1 is to emphasize collection

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation

Sussex Energy Group panel question COP26’s focus on unproven technologies & discuss hopes from decentralised bodies and political mobilisation

Over the course of the recent COP26 negotiations, the SEG@COP26 seminar series presented the breadth of sustainability topics explored by both SEG and the wider Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex Business School. Last week, in the

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy systems and supply technology, Politics of energy and energy institutions

The SEG@COP26 Seminar Series: Oct 19 – Nov 16

In November, the UK hosts the delayed United Nations COP26 climate change summit. During the build-up, and over the COP itself, the Sussex Energy Group will be presenting highlights of SPRU research in the SEG@COP26 seminar series that are relevant

Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, The energy transition, Wellbeing and ecological economics

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