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Storm Imogen reminds us that there are winners and losers with climate change

AFTER Storm Imogen, is it not time more people faced up to the reality that man-made climate change is causing huge changes to weather patterns which are affecting us? One storm does not equal climate change, neither does one hot

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Fossil fuels, renewables

Why we need to rethink the financial future of oil

Andreas Goldthau, Central European University and Benjamin Sovacool, University of Sussex The price of oil keeps moving in one direction – down. Even political tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia (historically a cause of price rises) has not stopped the

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, Guest Blog, renewables

Whither energy policy: Is the government getting the worst of two worlds?

Gordon Mackerron, Claire Carter and Florian Kern of Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex What do the pre-Spending Review announcements from DECC –  and the Review itself – mean for UK energy and climate change policy?  The upfront statement that energy

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, nuclear, policy, renewables

Florian Kern on Carbon Capture & Storage in the UK

Photograph of Dr Florian Kern

Could Canada hold the key to Britain’s rotten record on carbon capture? If you want to stop carbon entering the atmosphere and speeding up the process of climate change there are two things you can do: stop using fuels which

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Posted in All Posts, Community Energy, Fossil fuels, policy

Short-sighted Tory energy policies could undo years of effort

A re-blog of a post in The Conversation by CIED‘s Noam Bergman, Lee Stapleton and Mari Martiskainen The new Conservative government is letting slip its commitments to renewable energy and climate change mitigation. The bad decisions keep coming, and don’t add up to a

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, News, policy, renewables, Wind energy

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