Tackling the existing building stock as a real energy policy priority

By Mari Martiskainen and Florian Kern, Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand, SPRU

Those familiar with the UK’s energy efficiency policy for buildings are aware that back in 2006 the then Labour government announced that all new domestic buildings would need to be ‘zero carbon’ from 2016 to help meet the government’s energy and climate change ambitions. To support this goal, a Code for sustainable homes was announced at the same time against which new buildings would be rated. At the time of the announcement not many people actually knew what a zero carbon building would mean in practice. As a result, government and industry jointly set up a non-profit organisation called the Zero Carbon Hub  in 2008 to work together towards realising zero carbon buildings. Read more ›

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­Davey: Energy Efficiency Key Agenda in Upcoming Elections

by Mari Martiskainen

“We need to see energy efficiency as part of the nation’s infrastructure programme”.

ACE_DaleyThis was the charge of Ed Davey,  Liberal MP and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.

Davey was speaking at an Association for the Conservation of Energy event to say thanks to outgoing director Andrew Warren, often referred to as the cheerleader of the UK’s energy efficiency industry. The event also served as a welcome for new director, Dr Joanne Wade. Read more ›

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The Second Big Transition or the Struggle for Inclusive Capitalism

A blog by Johan Schot, following the fifth International Sustainability Transitions conference, Utrecht, August 29 2014

It was a great pleasure to present a keynote address at the fifth International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, for two reasons. First, some 15 years ago when John Grin, Jan Rotmans, myself, and many others were putting together the Dutch transition network and were developing a new research agenda, we discussed the need for the emergence of a new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field. It is a huge satisfaction to see that this happen, and the International Sustainability Transitions Network is flourishing. Second, as incoming Director of SPRU, one of the institutions that made important contributions to the field, I have a keen interest in bringing the research agenda to a new level. Read more ›

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What can sustainability transition scholars learn from international political economy research?

In this blogpost written last month Dr Florian Kern opens up a conversation on the potential of scholarship on International Political Economy to enrich the study of sustainability transitions.

Word cloud, political, global, economyToday is the last day of the 5th international conference on Sustainability Transitions which is held in Utrecht, the Netherlands. During one of the last panel sessions of the conference I will present a new paper which reviews the existing literature on the politics of sustainability transitions and then argues that there is much to learn from the scholarship on international political economy (IPE). I suggest that it is important for transition scholars to explore connections with related areas of scholarship to avoid becoming too ‘insular’ and because such connections will foster new ideas, research questions and conceptual developments. Read more ›

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Multi regime interactions between UK infrastructure sectors

Multi regime interactions between UK infrastructure sectors

Research Fellow, Dr. Ralitsa Hiteva, focuses in this blogpost on the importance of learning more about the interactions between several sectors at the heart of governing infrastructure independencies, and argues for better co-ordination between them.

This year’s International Conference on Sustainability Transitions (IST) in Utrecht is dedicated to impact and institutions. I, Dr Ralitsa Hiteva, am here to present a paper titled ‘Multi regime interactions between UK infrastructure sectors’.
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