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CREDS update: The energy use impacts of 5G mobile networks

Find out more about our ongoing CREDS project, seeking to understand the emission impacts from the imminent rollout of 5G mobile networks. Whilst 5G is primarily associated with super-fast download speeds, an important part of the purpose of 5G is

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation

Why We Need to Shift Focus from Energy Supply to Reducing Demand

Mari Martiskainen asks whether it is time to have a real debate about moving our focus from energy supply to realising the benefits of energy efficiency. The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported last week that the energy efficiency market was

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Posted in All Posts, CIED

Technological Absenteeism and energy futures

In Europe, taking on climate change involves backing a good number. 20% emissions cuts by 2020. 20% efficiency savings. 20% of whatever you’re having yourself and if all goes well by next year it will be 40% by 2050. 100%

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