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My awesome SPRU Masters experience

Okafor Akachukwu after graduating his SPRU Masters.

I have always planned to follow-up my undergraduate studies with a policy course.  My work in different themes of development: poverty reduction, education, water and sanitation, health care and environment had clearly illustrated to me that access to efficient, clean and affordable energy is the

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Tackling the existing building stock as a real energy policy priority

By Mari Martiskainen and Florian Kern, Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand, SPRU Those familiar with the UK’s energy efficiency policy for buildings are aware that back in 2006 the then Labour government announced that all new domestic buildings would

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Posted in All Posts, CIED

The Second Big Transition or the Struggle for Inclusive Capitalism

A blog by Johan Schot, following the fifth International Sustainability Transitions conference, Utrecht, August 29 2014 It was a great pleasure to present a keynote address at the fifth International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, for two reasons. First, some 15 years

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