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Back to the DTI? – The merger of DECC and BIS is a new opportunity to integrate energy and industrial policies

As part of the new Prime Minister’s extensive reshuffle late last week, it was announced that the Departments of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) are to merge to form a new Department of Business,

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Fuel poverty research presented to Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

energy justice

2.35 million households in England living in poor quality, energy inefficient housing have to decide each winter whether to ‘eat or heat’. They live in cold homes because they can’t afford to pay their fuel bills and then suffer from

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, energy efficiency

Budget 2016: Stakeholders await crucial policy clarity

“What do we want? Clarity over the Levy Control Framework! When do we want it? In the Budget would have been nice…” On Wednesday, the Chancellor unveiled his 2016 Budget. Reports have unsurprisingly focused on the sugar tax (which some

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Whither energy policy: Is the government getting the worst of two worlds?

Gordon Mackerron, Claire Carter and Florian Kern of Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex What do the pre-Spending Review announcements from DECC –  and the Review itself – mean for UK energy and climate change policy?  The upfront statement that energy

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, nuclear, policy, renewables

Osborne’s long-game? The politics behind the down-scaling of low-carbon policies

by Frank Geels and Victoria Johnson. Within weeks of the newly elected Conservative government coming into power, the down-scaling of low-carbon policies began. The Green Deal, binned earlier this week, is the latest victim of the post-election cull which has

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