Blog Archives

2015/16 Student-Led Teaching Awards

The University has several awards for staff which we offer annually. We get a huge kick out of hearing about the fantastic work that our staff do, and enjoy being able to show students’ and staff appreciation of their efforts. This

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Posted in Enhancement

Resources for Examinations and Assessments

This post highlights some of the resources available relating to examinations and assessment. The ADQE Academic Standards webpages provide the complete set of resources for 2016/17.

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Posted in Standards

2015/16 Validations

Every year the University validates a number of new courses. For those that are unclear on what ‘validates’ means, in this context it is where the University scrutinizes a proposed new course and decides whether or not to approve it.

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Posted in Curriculum

2016 Partner Network Day

What is the Partner Network Day I hear you cry? The Partner Network Day is an annual event organised by ADQE (Partnership) and attended by staff at partner institutions, Partnership Tutors and senior members of the University. The aim of

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Posted in Partnerships

Welcome to the ADQE blog

Welcome to the ADQE blog! This is a new initiative, showing some of the ongoing work in the team and to highlight the best bits.

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Posted in Curriculum, Enhancement, Partnerships, Standards, TaLES, Teams, Uncategorised

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