Blog Archives

‘How Sussex Supported the Miners’

Audience watching the Miners Strike event

Earlier this week on the 18th June 2024, the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign (OTJC) delivered a new report to the Home Office and every major party on the events of what has been dubbed the ‘Battle of Orgeave’. Earlier this year Matt Foot, from OTJC, joined the Library, UCU and Unite the Union at an event that marked the 40th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike, to talk about the campaigns fight for an independent enquiry. Elsa van Helfteren has put together a blog post of the highlights from the evening looking at Sussex’s involvement in the strike.

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Posted in Collections

Rosey Pool (1905-71) exhibition

Black and white still of Rosey Pool (1905-71) sat at a table with a copy of her book and a drink.

Our exhibition of Rosey Pool’s personal book collection is now open on the ground floor of the library (at the bottom of the main staircase), created by Assistant Library Officer, Elsa van Helfteren.

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Posted in Collections

Chloe Dobson: my favourite online collections

By Chloe Dobson – Collection Development Librarian Part of our role in Collection Development is to find online resources which support the teaching of the University. I am going to be highlighting two of my favourites in this week’s blog

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Posted in Collection Development, Special Collections, The Keep