Resources for my empirical project (Psychology dissertation)

In the last term of my last year I (fortunately) don't have any exams. I have two tests, two essays, a presentation, and my dissertation. Both my essays and my dissertation are due on the 12th of May, which means I really should stay on top of my schedule. The plan is to write the … Continue reading Resources for my empirical project (Psychology dissertation)

Review: Study Skills for Business and Management

Study Skills for Business and Management is a guide packed with tips and tools to help any business student get the most out of their degree. For first years it is a great introduction to university work and the different skills that are needed. The book also has a lot to offer second and final … Continue reading Review: Study Skills for Business and Management

Writing a Human Geography Dissertation

Now with just one term left of my undergrad degree, I’ve just finished the research for my dissertation titled: How do international students at the University of Sussex make their home in the UK? I conducted interviews with international students as well as creating a survey on Survey Monkey and got a good number of … Continue reading Writing a Human Geography Dissertation

Companion websites for textbooks

Something students always find useful are materials within a book they can use to test themselves. This is usually the case in science textbooks (maths, physics etc.), but not so often in my course. I remember having multiple choice questions and short answers questions in my book for Human Physiology in my first year and in Andy Field's Discovering … Continue reading Companion websites for textbooks

What type of textbook will make it onto my Christmas wish-list this year?

So we have heard about the ideal textbook from a geographer’s point of view, but what about a business student? Over the past two and a half years of my course I have been assigned around 18 core textbooks and have used many many more in further reading (click here to see how I manage … Continue reading What type of textbook will make it onto my Christmas wish-list this year?