During the end of term exam period we ran a student-led revision session in the library. We used Facebook, Twitter, posters and also advertised it on our blog to spread the word. The session ran for 3 hours and students brought along their books, laptops and notebooks to help them revise. I found it particularly … Continue reading Revision Session
“You may delay, but time will not.”
This post should be about revising for my final four exams. I should write about how I prepare for my exams, how I make my notes, which books I read and how I organize my time. But instead I'm doing everything else but writing useful posts and revising. I believe the most popular student word … Continue reading “You may delay, but time will not.”
No motivation to revise? Tired of sitting in your room staring at books? Come to our student run open revision session for all years in the Barlow Gallery in the University of Sussex Library (if you're coming up the library steps it's just on the right before the toilets, right by the entrance). Friday 23rd May … Continue reading TIME TO REVISE
Revision Time
I have three exams coming up at the end of this term: Statistics, Environmental Hazards & Risks and Global Development & Inequality. Each exam is an hour long with a mix of multiple choice, longer questions and essay questions to answer. The Statistics exam includes calculations to do which is a little worrying as the … Continue reading Revision Time
Exam Preparation
The fact that it is exam period is visible in (and under) the eyes of most students on campus. I would say that I spend my time productively in the build up to exams, I do my washing, organise folders, tidy my room, write lists, clean the kitchen and go for walks. I occasionally find … Continue reading Exam Preparation
UKSG Conference 2014
After leaving the luxuries of our hotel’s breakfast hall and a walk through sunny Harrogate, we entered the UKSG annual conference at the Harrogate International Centre. Greeted with a goody bag and name tag we ventured, keen to be true ambassadors of students, into the conference hall, ready to enter as many ipad competitions and … Continue reading UKSG Conference 2014
APS Conference 2014
This month we attended the APS 2014 conference where booksellers, publishers and other professionals were discussing the issues facing them right now. Lenart, Eva and I sat on a panel alongside three students from Greenwich University and answered questions on what resources we use, our opinions on e-books and where we obtain resources for our … Continue reading APS Conference 2014
Student Forum
With the hope to find out whether our experiences with resources available to students were shared by the rest of the student body, we conducted two student forums where we asked students to share their habits and thoughts on resources. The first group consisted of about 12 students whereas the second group was far smaller … Continue reading Student Forum
Completing an Assignment
The way I approach each assignment depends on what type of assignment it is; whether it is an essay, a research project, a short answer test or a presentation. The resources available also differ with each lecturer, some will put all the readings surrounding each subject area on the relevant page on study direct, some … Continue reading Completing an Assignment
Making notes of my notes
There always comes a time when the fun ends and you have to get serious. This is how I see the end of the term. Partying stops, interesting lectures are over, the coursework (if you had any in the first place) is done (or isn’t, depends on you) and submitted and you need to start … Continue reading Making notes of my notes