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Can nuclear power play a large part in getting to net zero?

Nuclear cooling tower in countryside

In late 2020, there was a flurry of announcements about climate change and energy – first a ten-point plan for a ‘Green Industrial Revolution’[i] followed a few weeks later by a much–delayed energy White Paper[ii]. Nuclear power figures prominently in both narratives, with

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Britain is sending a huge nuclear waste consignment to America – why?

A very unusual exchange is about to take place over the Atlantic. The UK is sending some 700kg of highly enriched uranium to be disposed of in the US, the largest amount that has ever been moved out of the

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Whither energy policy: Is the government getting the worst of two worlds?

Gordon Mackerron, Claire Carter and Florian Kern of Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex What do the pre-Spending Review announcements from DECC –  and the Review itself – mean for UK energy and climate change policy?  The upfront statement that energy

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, nuclear, policy, renewables

Small Modular Reactors – a real prospect? by Gordon MacKerron

Photograph of Professor Gordon MacKerron smiling

Despite ongoing and major delays in financing Hinkley Point C, which would be the first new nuclear power station in the UK for over 25 years, enthusiasm for new nuclear power remains high in several quarters.  This includes the Energy

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Response to Paterson’s unremarkable and nonsensical speech

Owen Paterson, the UK’s former Secretary of State for the Environment – and now scourge of environmentalists – made the most extraordinary speech a few days ago on climate change and energy policy[1].  The speech was a rare combination of

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