Blog Archives

Transparency and power in energy policy making

Last week, the Prime Minister confirmed funding for two carbon capture projects in Merseyside and Teesside, and he and the Chancellor made a headline commitment to £21.7 billion of support for carbon capture and storage (CCS) over the next 25 years. This

Posted in Energy Governance and Policy

Emma Pinchbeck to deliver our 2024 Keynote Lecture

We are delighted to announce that Emma Pinchbeck, Chief Executive of Energy UK, will deliver the 2024 Sussex Energy Group Keynote Lecture! Follow Sussex Energy Group

Posted in Energy Governance and Policy

Making Sussex a Net Zero region: local council and stakeholder workshop

Recently, over 40 Officers and Members from Local Councils in the Greater Brighton area and other relevant stakeholders came together with University of Sussex energy policy and analysis experts. During a half-day workshop, they discussed challenges and opportunities relating to

Posted in All Posts, Conferences and events, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy efficiency and energy security

Our social relations shape our decision-making in surprising ways. Here’s what that means for home retrofit policy.

Sussex Energy Group members Donal Brown, Giulia Mininni and Marie Claire Brisbois, are among the co-authors of a fascinating a new paper out in Energy Research and Social Science.  Follow Sussex Energy Group

Posted in All Posts, Energy demand and behaviour, Energy efficiency and energy security, Retrofitting buildings, The social relations of energy

Which net-zero policies do people want? Launching the Local Green New Deals report

On Monday 11 December 2023, over 200 academic, NGO, policy and local government representatives attended one of CREDS’ final webinars to hear answers to the question: ‘Which net-zero policies do people want?’

Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Local Energy, The energy transition

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