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Astonishing Energy Futures

“Markets make a good servant but a bad master, and a worse religion.” – Amory Lovins Guest blog by Susan Sun I didn’t think my philosophy of life had a motto until I heard those words by Amory Lovins, the

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What now for energy efficiency policy in UK homes?

Blog by Dr Charlie Wilson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research) UK homes account for just under a quarter of national greenhouse gas emissions. Improving their efficiency not only reduces emissions, but also improves health and wellbeing, and creates jobs.

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Guest Blog

As the temperature drops… Energy advice for energy poverty alleviation

Blog by Louise Sunderland. As the weather turned really cold for the first time last month the UK government published its latest piece of research into fuel poverty (energy poverty) – a report on the behaviours and attitudes of the

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Posted in CIED, Guest Blog

How to get more electric vehicles on the road

written by Jonn Axsen, Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University. Jonn was a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) at the University of Sussex between July – December 2017. Incentives are one way

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Why we need to rethink the financial future of oil

Andreas Goldthau, Central European University and Benjamin Sovacool, University of Sussex The price of oil keeps moving in one direction – down. Even political tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia (historically a cause of price rises) has not stopped the

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Posted in All Posts, Fossil fuels, Guest Blog, renewables

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