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Why we need to rethink the financial future of oil

Andreas Goldthau, Central European University and Benjamin Sovacool, University of Sussex The price of oil keeps moving in one direction – down. Even political tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia (historically a cause of price rises) has not stopped the

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“Energy security is not all about building big legacy projects”: notes from a Select Committee enquiry

Emily Cox, Sussex Energy Group As seems more and more the case in recent years, energy security is top of everyone’s agenda, probably at least in part due to recent reporting of increased risk of the lights going out this

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Posted in All Posts, Community Energy, nuclear, policy, renewables

Whither energy policy: Is the government getting the worst of two worlds?

Gordon Mackerron, Claire Carter and Florian Kern of Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, University of Sussex What do the pre-Spending Review announcements from DECC –  and the Review itself – mean for UK energy and climate change policy?  The upfront statement that energy

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Has the Spending Review delivered a coherent approach to energy innovation? – Jim Watson writes for UKERC

In his new blog for UKERC, Jim Watson reacts to the energy policy implications of the UK Government Spending Review. One of the prominent themes of the review is the need for innovation in energy technologies and systems, which has

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Stimulating innovation in renewable energy technologies: reflections on the German experience

Amber Rudd, the UK’s Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, in last week’s speech on a new direction for UK energy policy, had a welcome section on the importance of innovation. However, it was also slightly inconsistent. Rudd

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, policy, renewables

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