Reflections, rebound, a week in France

A picture of Lee's feet, in the sunshine on a beach

The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) convenes an international conference every two years. This, spanning the 1st-6th June 2015, was my first experience of this biennial event located on a dazzling peninsula in the South of France – at Belambra Les Criques. The scenery there is stunning and the weather was glorious too  – I wore shorts everyday (mostly the same pair because I spilt coffee on the only other pair I had, shortly after putting them on).

A picture of Lee's feet, in the sunshine on a beachThis got me to thinking, what stays the same at these conferences and what changes? I imagine that you could or would have heard a lot of the same rhetoric two or (many) more years ago at an earlier incarnation of this particular conference or a similarly themed alternative. The fact that there are fundamental problems with assumptions underlying neoclassical economics, the need for long-term thinking and multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches to policy relevant research questions are just a few examples. In terms of the latter, can we even agree on what the appropriate unit of analysis is for studying energy and climate issues? Objects? Subjects? Practices? All three, or something else?

But things change too. Buzzwords, concepts, theories and methods often change and evolve. Governments and policies come and go. The urgency of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions becomes more and more critical as another year passes.  Where will we hold these conferences if and when these splendid coastal locations are inundated by sea level rise?

I attended this conference to talk about work I’ve carried out with Steve Sorrell (my boss at Sussex) and Tim Schwanen (at Oxford) into the direct rebound effect associated with personal car travel in Great Britain.  In practise this means that as the technical efficiency of cars has improved over time, effectively reducing their running costs (assuming the absence of taxation), how much further do people travel in their cars because they’re cheaper to run?

What’s ‘the same’ about this work is our over-arching conclusion: we estimate the direct rebound effect to be in the region of 20% which accords well with previous studies particularly in a U.S. context. Put differently if fuel prices (per unit of energy used to run your car) or fuel costs (per kilometre driven in your car) decrease by 100%, this stimulates the average person to drive 20% further.

What’s ‘different’ about this work is our investigation into the relationship between model quality (measured in terms of how many so-called diagnostic tests a model passes) and the size of the rebound effect. This hasn’t been investigated before in any context and we found no relationship between model quality and the size of the rebound effect. It could be argued that this bodes well for the existing literature on this subject where the tendency has been to partially or wholly neglect model quality issues. An early-bird view of this work is available here and our full study is currently under revision for the journal Energy Economics.

This conference will be held again in the summer of 2017 most likely in the same or a similarly stunning location.


Lee StapletonDr Lee Stapleton is a research Fellow in SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.  Working principally in the  Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) within the Sussex Energy Group, his research focuses on the application of time-series (static, dynamic and co-integrating) regression models to estimate so-called ‘rebound effects’ in the transport sector.

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Energy debates must not forget those less able to speak for themselves

Mari Martiskainen

Reflections from the 12th eceee summer study By Dr Mari Martiskainen

As Colin Nolden mentioned in his post yesterday, four members of the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand attended the eceee Summer Study held near Hyeres, south of France, during 1-6th June 2015. The bi-annual eceee’s Summer Study has been held since 1993 and it focuses on energy efficiency policy, research and implementation. The theme of the 12th eceee summer study was “First Fuel Now – Keeping energy efficiency at the top of the agenda”.

During the week of presentations ranging from technological innovation to various aspects of policy, impact and evaluation, several presentations also focused on the role of consumers in the energy system. For example Eva Heiskanen from the University of Helsinki said in her talk that public engagement in low carbon energy system needs to address people both as consumers and citizens. Myself and Colin Nolden from CIED argued in our paper that there should be a more active role for consumers in low carbon energy systems. We gave an example of communities as ‘pro-savers’, who focus equally on energy saving and renewable energy generation. While the role of the more active pro-saver becomes relevant in the transition to a low carbon energy system, several presentations also reminded me that we must ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable in our societies are not forgotten in energy debates. This is the case especially for those who experience fuel poverty and face the every day dilemma of whether to ‘eat or heat’. Read more ›

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Keeping energy efficiency at the top of the agenda – reflections on the ECEEE Summer Study

Photo of Colin Nolden smiling

Set in the south of France, the ECEEE conference is a sight to behold. 433 people arguing variably between islanding and implementation. The range of subjects fits the subject matter and the plenaries spiced with juicy names do little to challenge the focus of the event. It nevertheless needs to be understood as a unique opportunity for inquiry, investigation and interchanging of opinions amongst a well-connected and thematically homogenous group of people. Eurocentric by nature, however, it encompasses an air of disregard of issues facing the OTHERS. A sprinkling of poorly attended sessions addressing issues of the less fortunate classes (i.e. around three-quarters of the world’s population) bear witness to these shortfalls. Big names and quirky titles fare better.

The setting is difficult to beat and the usual conference fatigue never sets in as the precisely managed sessions allow for intense yet concentrated interaction and engagement. Food is abundant and of good quality; lunchtime wine ensures that discussions arising in morning sessions do not lose their intellectual vigour as the afternoon sun is set to drain motivational and physical capacities. Breakout sessions are focussed although often misconceived as presentation space by the organisers. Read more ›

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Prof Jim Watson’s UKERC blog: Would a Global Apollo Programme deliver the low carbon innovation we need?

Introduction to Jim Watson’s blog by Dr Ralitsa Hiteva

The Global Apollo Programme to Combat Climate Change report  which came out last week warns: “We are in danger”; “The perils of our current course”; “The dangerous shortfall in RD&D”. The report argues that the challenge we face as a society in limiting the rise in global temperature to 2 ̊C is a technological one, and that the solution is simply reducing the cost of renewable energy generation, storage and smart grids.The report calls for making renewable energy cheaper than coal by introducing a more ambitious program of publicly-funded research, rather than continued focus predominantly on incentives like feed-in tariffs for the private sector. However, current levels of publicly funded RD&D (research, development and demonstration) are insufficient to limit the impact of climate change to 2 ̊C. Read more ›

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‘Sustainable Brighton’: Impressions on a day well spent with local stakeholders

Photo of Bipashyee Ghosh

How sustainable is the city of Brighton? What are the different sustainability initiatives that can be undertaken at a local level? How do these local initiatives network and collaborate with each other? What are the barriers and opportunities in such collaborative efforts and in individual projects? These are some of the questions addressed in a stakeholder workshop organised by SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) as part of the research programme on “Accelerating and re-scaling Transitions to Sustainability” (ARTS). Read more ›

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