Can the UK achieve an energy efficiency revolution?

The Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED) was officially launched at a well-attended joint event with the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group at Portcullis House, London on 12th June 2014. Dr Alan Whitehead MP chaired a vigorous debate on the future energy-efficiency revolution – introduced by five panellists and followed by broader and very informed contributions from the floor.

Steve Sorrell, Director of CIED and Co-Director of the Sussex Energy Group, SPRU, began by providing an overview of the Centre and its approach to reducing energy demand. Steve argued that the dominant approaches to energy efficiency policy, informed by orthodox economics and social psychology, needed to be supplemented by much greater emphasis on technological innovation and long-term transformation of the ‘socio-technical’ systems used to deliver heating, mobility and other services. Moreover,sustaining long-termreductions in energy demand requires the multiple rebound effects triggered by such changes to be effectively addressed. Read more ›

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EU renewable energy policy: looking beyond leaders, laggards and political will

With a lot of interim targets for the EU 2020 agenda already behind us the time has come to evaluate what Member States have achieved so far and what still needs to be done to meet the renewable energy targets in six years’ time. Equally, it is an opportune time to (re)consider the processes involved in developing domestic renewable policy informed by EU targets and agenda.

In the beginning of May I took part in a workshop titled The EU Renewable Energy Policy: Challenges and Opportunities organised by a team from the Environmental Policy Research Center (FFU) of Freie University in Berlin. The workshop reviewed the development of wind, solar, hydro power and biomass energy in several Member States and discussed the extent to which the processes of Europeanisation have changed the make up of domestic energy sectors. The discussion included over 24 researchers from a wide range of institutions, who reviewed a mixed bag of countries including France, Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. This overview of renewable energy policy across the EU reinforced for me the range of issues and nuances that are obscured by using blanket terms like political will, leaders and laggards. Several trends that emerged from the discussion suggest that it is high time for a shift in how we think about renewable energy policy in Member States.

While initially the EU renewable directives did bring about significant changes of energy policy in most countries, it translated into changes in their energy mix that were significantly less impressive. The history of renewable energy in Europe since the 1990s shows that no such thing as direct transposition of EU directives could possibly exist. EU directives cannot be simply “downloaded” onto very different national contexts. Instead what emerges is a process of negotiation between the domestic context and the EU targets and policy. This makes thinking about the implementation of EU renewable policy in terms of leaders and laggards rather unhelpful and obsolete. Are leaders countries which have developed the capacity to quickly and fully implement EU renewable directives? Or countries which have succeeded in meeting their (interim) renewable targets? Because on one hand, the variety of renewable histories discussed showed that renewable targets can be achieved without the full implementation of EU directives. On the other hand, the full implementation of EU renewable directives was not a guarantee of coming close to achieving relevant targets. Read more ›

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UK’s energy efficiency policy ‘not fully coherent’ –the difficulties of making complex policy mixes work

A recent commentary piece in Ends report (UK’s energy efficiency plan ‘not fully coherent’, by Paul Hatchwell, 7th May) is critical of DECC’s National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEAP). In the article Hatchwell  refers to an assessment by the EU-wide Coalition for Energy Savings which concluded that the ‘UK’s plans were considered “assessable”, but classed as “not fully coherent and/or several measures and claimed savings questionable”.  As project leader on a Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand project on the ‘Policy synergies and trade offs for low energy innovation’ I find this article interesting as it highlights the difficulties of making complex policy mixes work.

NEAPs are required by the European Commission for member states to report on actions undertaken to deliver on the EU’s commitment to increase energy efficiency by 20% by 2020. Hatchwell points out that two thirds of the envisaged energy savings in the UK’s national plan are assumed to come from the domestic sector while the target for industry and commerce are ‘surprisingly modest relative to opportunities. There is an almost negligible contribution from the energy-intensive transport sector.’ The plan lists 19 policy instruments which are meant to deliver the promised energy savings. Instruments include tightening building regulations, the Energy Company Obligation, the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme affecting large commercial and public sector energy use, the Green Deal’s domestic energy efficiency loans, and the smart meter roll-out.

For me this article raises at least three different issues which we are currently grappling with in a Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand-funded project: ‘Policy synergies and trade offs for low energy innovation’ Read more ›

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Comments on a seminar titled: “Theorising an instrument for a ‘Low Carbon Bretton Woods’”

Officially launched during a SPRU seminar titled “Theorising an instrument for a ‘Low Carbon Bretton Woods’”, held on Friday 2nd of May, an innovative idea focusing on climate change-related international policies and carbon markets has recently raised interest and debate both within and outside the School of Business Management and Economics.

Core of the idea is the development of an instrument, and of its reference functioning system, capable of addressing most of the main obstacles and lock-ins that are still impeding an international agreement in the field of climate change negotiations. Resulting from more than seven years of research, the idea merges elements form already functioning carbon trading schemes with a limited set of modifications proposed by academics and policy-makers in an attempt to define the structure of a hypothetical global carbon market. Read more ›

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Building and nurturing a community: the importance of material and emotional dimensions in grassroots innovation

Grassroots image

As part of our CIED activities and with support from Ellen van Oost (University of Twente), Johan Soderberg (IFRIS) and Sascha Dickel (Technical University Munich), we recently ran a session for practitioners and academics involved and interested in grassroots digital fabrication. It was held as part of a wider conference considering an Innovative Civil Society organised in Copenhagen by the Living Knowledge network of science shops over 9th to 11th March 2014. Much of the conference was about citizen science i.e. involving citizens in scientific knowledge production, yet about thirty people turned up to our session wanting to hear more about and discuss grassroots digital fabrication in Hackerspaces, Makerspaces and FabLabs.

Such labs and spaces are community-based workshops that enable people to access versatile digital design and fabrication technologies, and join together in collaborative projects where they can make anything they wish. Workshop members meet up at regional, national and international events and are networked through social media and on-line resources. Many cities around the world have or are opening grassroots digital fabrication workshops that are extremely diverse. Our session started off with three local practitioners’ presentations: Vanessa Carpenter (Illutron Collaborative Interactive Art Studio), Michael Hviid Nielsen (Copenhagen FabLab) and Oyuki Matsumoto (STPLN Open House Makerspace), and was followed by a World Café discussion on grassroots digital fabrication.

Whilst our session generated a wide variety of insights, the one we would like to draw out here was the repeated emphasis on the material and emotional aspects of grassroots innovation, in particular the role these play in the building and nurturing of a community of workshop practitioners. Feeling excited about taking things apart to see how they work, and generally having fun making and thinking about them, and wanting to share this with others all seem to be crucially important for people to be actively engaged in these workshops. Perhaps this is obvious, but at times the wider conference seemed so focused on techniques of public engagement and participation in knowledge production that it seemed as though some simple fundamentals of community development (such as the importance of creating shared emotional connections) were overlooked.

Building a community was key to the success of the three local workshops that gave a presentation at our session. In the context of grassroots digital fabrication, the combination of building material things in projects, at the same time as developing social bonds and building emotional connections, are all important aspects when trying to build a community of practitioners. The more established workshops demonstrated this, whilst newer ones that had relatively recently opened their facilities were only beginning to appreciate how important community building is to get people involved and stay involved in these workshops. STPLN in Malmö was an interesting example because the facilities (which were at first under-used) co-evolved over time with the development of a community. The STPLN team realised that giving people access to technologies and facilities was not enough. The atmosphere within workshops needed to allow people to feel playful and accepted, where they could be excited about experimenting with things, collaboratively create their own activities within the space, and develop a sense of belonging.

Some of the practitioners commented on how people who got involved in projects, stayed involved in subsequent activities because they became inspired by making things together. Sometimes people are experimenting purely for fun, while at other times they are grappling with wider social goals. For example, Vanessa described how at Illutron, an arts-based workshop, they try to facilitate enjoyable and playful public events in order to stretch and inspire people to think about social interactions in different ways, and at the same time draw them into their workshop activities. Michael from Copenhagen FabLab noticed how learning simple fabrication techniques whilst doing a project, could spark ‘leaps of creativity’ and inspire ideas for other projects that drew people into developing other skills, and therefore on-going involvement in the workshop. Experimenting with material things and technologies, designing and making things together, and having fun through shared emotional connections seem to be key to the development of communities within workshops.

Trying to encourage some workshop users to care about a common ethos (supporting open source ideas and shared knowledge production as advocated by most Hackerspaces, FabLabs and Makerspaces) was another part of the material and emotional dimension of building a community. Michael said that people and groups did not always document their projects, something important for designs and instructions to be freely available to others, even though this is an important part of the open knowledge. Cultivating a sense of belonging means that people need to feel welcome and confident about sharing but also to develop a sense of shared responsibility for the development of the workshop. Oyuki from Malmö STPLN described how the construction of their workshop evolved over time in order that participants could feel comfortable and hence participate and contribute.

All the practitioners pointed out that it takes energy and hard work to create such an atmosphere (if it does not pre-exist). Here, nurturing a diversity of different workshops seems to be key: for instance, some workshops where people are keen to explore open source ideas, and others where people are allowed to pursue their own individual projects. In the end, the people who are involved in setting up these workshops can only go so far in creating atmosphere and physical space where people are encouraged to work collaboratively. Each member and his/her understanding of the workshop and the technology within it play a role in what the space is used for, how it is used and by whom, and what it becomes over time. Workshop communities seem to co-evolve with their members’ competences, emotions and meanings, as well as the technologies and environments with which they surround themselves collectively.

As we noted above, such emotional and material dimensions of grassroots innovation were only one aspect of the session’s discussion, and the one we have chosen to point out here. It did not form a focus for discussion, but kept popping up as we talked about other issues, like environmental sustainability, inclusion, and creativity. Nor did we focus on negative emotional elements, such as fearfulness, jealousy, and frustration – but likewise, these emerged as elements of the discussion. Obviously, there is more to the material and emotional building of communities of grassroots digital fabrication than we are able to go into here. In our own research, we are only beginning to appreciate these rich and complex features. But when much of the wider conference saw civic engagement in innovation as a matter of technique and best practice, we wanted to record a wider mix of features, which at times are very spontaneous and improvisational, but which have to be involved when cultivating a more innovative civil society.

By Adrian Smith and Sabine Hielscher, Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED), SPRU, University of Sussex

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