Last week we were preparing for a debate on whether or not Genetically Modified crops made a positive impact on development. We had to present a short review of our readings as well as provide arguments after the other side had presented. Our group was given the Pro-GM side therefore we had to work together … Continue reading Preparing for a seminar
SAGE students
Accessing resources in my third year
I remember having lectures on academic research and accessing resources in the first year, but I also remember I wasn't paying much attention during those lectures as I didn't find them directly relevant. As soon as I was faced with an actual assignment I realised just how much time those lectures have saved me. We were shown … Continue reading Accessing resources in my third year
Research through the years
It's final term and the pressure is certainly on, so it is interesting to think back to how my work has developed over the past few years. The types of assignment that we are set have been incredibly varied over my time at the business school, including presentations, essays, reports, project plans, briefing papers, and much … Continue reading Research through the years
A different outlook to resource use
Over the autumn term and into the beginning of this term I have been reading more than ever before at university. Now this may be partially through sheer panic that I have less than 3 months until I finish university for good, but it may also be because I am really enjoying what I'm learning! … Continue reading A different outlook to resource use
Resources for my empirical project (Psychology dissertation)
In the last term of my last year I (fortunately) don't have any exams. I have two tests, two essays, a presentation, and my dissertation. Both my essays and my dissertation are due on the 12th of May, which means I really should stay on top of my schedule. The plan is to write the … Continue reading Resources for my empirical project (Psychology dissertation)
Writing a Human Geography Dissertation
Now with just one term left of my undergrad degree, I’ve just finished the research for my dissertation titled: How do international students at the University of Sussex make their home in the UK? I conducted interviews with international students as well as creating a survey on Survey Monkey and got a good number of … Continue reading Writing a Human Geography Dissertation
Third Year Survey Results
We ran a survey in order to get an idea about resource use and reading lists of third year Sussex students. Students from a range of disciplines answered the survey and as you can see the highest numbers are present in our own subjects (Business, Geography and Psychology). This may be due to advertising it on our … Continue reading Third Year Survey Results
Third year survey now closed!
Our third year survey on resource usage and reading is now closed! We are analysing the results over this week and will bring you our findings in next week's blog.
A perfect textbook?
I have not yet come across the perfect Geographical textbook during my time at university. Often my tutors won’t mention a relevant textbook at all, instead recommending various academic books or articles which are available through the uni library online. Only one course in my first year was taught from a textbook (read what I … Continue reading A perfect textbook?
How to come up with an empirical project idea
The final year is a dissertation year. In psychology, that is called an empirical research. We get the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of carrying out a study under the supervision of a member of faculty. To me, this is incredible mainly because we used to only read about studies and psychological concepts and now … Continue reading How to come up with an empirical project idea