With a resigned sigh I flopped down on my bed, staring at my sparsely populated pin-board, and wondering what I should do with myself. My mum had left a few minutes earlier and I was suddenly feeling very alone. It was a strange feeling having finally arrived at university, I had been thinking about this … Continue reading Day 1
SAGE students
The Realities Of Freshers…
At the start of the week there is a buzzing atmosphere for going out and living up to all the expectations that you've created in your head. You've bought all of your freshers wristbands in advance for the “biggest student nights” in town, stocked up on a variety of alcohol to help you make friends … Continue reading The Realities Of Freshers…
Goodbye from Isabelle, Lucy and Lenart
Our time at Sussex seems to have flown past and it is time to take the next steps in our lives. University has been an extremely fulfilling experience and being part of the SAGE scholarship program has played an important role in this. Not only do we hope to have been able to provide a … Continue reading Goodbye from Isabelle, Lucy and Lenart
5 Hardest Things about Psychology Dissertation
I've discussed my dissertation quite a lot in my previous posts, from gathering resources to tips for writing a perfect psychology paper. Now that I've finally submitted it, I thought it would be useful to discuss things I've struggled with. Here's my list. 5. Referencing Referencing is one od those things that you know you don't … Continue reading 5 Hardest Things about Psychology Dissertation
The five hardest things about writing a Human Geography dissertation
1. Getting the word out there! After my project was risk and ethics assessed and approved I began searching for international students at my university as interview participants. This was initially straightforward as I had met quite a few international students during my studies. Problems arose however, when I began the second stage of my … Continue reading The five hardest things about writing a Human Geography dissertation
Third Year Focus Group
Towards the end of our final year we conducted a focus group to ask fellow students about their use of academic resources. We asked about what devices they used, their opinions on e-books and what they wish they’d known before starting university. Students agreed that they primarily used Library Search to look for academic resources … Continue reading Third Year Focus Group
Three tips for writing the perfect Psychology paper
How to write the perfect psychology research paper? I guess that's what every third-year psychology student is wondering right now. As mentioned in previous posts, dissertation for psychology students is an empirical research project, that is written up in a defined format. Sections of the report are as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Appendices. Here … Continue reading Three tips for writing the perfect Psychology paper
Writing the Perfect Paper
Over the course of my time at Sussex, I have had the opportunity to write papers on a vast array of topics. For this blog I will discuss some of the particularities of written assessments on a business course, the differing requirements, and finally some tips that I have learnt over the years. The multidisciplinary … Continue reading Writing the Perfect Paper
Reviewing SAGE Research Methods
Whilst writing a methodology for my Human Geography dissertation, I was advised to reference at least 6 methods books/ articles to justify the research techniques I used in my study. I needed books specifically related to qualitative research on 1:1 interviews which detailed the suitability of this method. I also required writing on reflexivity and … Continue reading Reviewing SAGE Research Methods
Employability skills of a Psychology graduate
After receiving a well-deserved degree it's up to every graduate to show potential employers what they have learnt during the past three years and what they can bring to the company. At that point it's important to know what employers are looking for and even more important for graduates to know what their degree actually … Continue reading Employability skills of a Psychology graduate